Tuesday -- 11 Shaaban 1427 -- 14 Bhadon 1928 -- 05 September 2006

There are two kinds of people. One, who wake up early in the morning with a fire in their hearts and a bounce to their steps. They are ready for the new day and burst upon it. Two, who wake up early in the morning with a fire in their eyes and a feeling of severe lethargy. They will be ready for the new day about noon.

I am neither of these. I have my days. Today is the lethargy day. You have no idea how hard I am staring at the screen. Also, due a slight personal disagreement with my soap stick I just smashed it into the wall and then stamped on it till it broke. Anger? Well, I dont know, it is an emotion very uncommon for me. But then again, it is very delectable.

So, I head out to work today in a very bad mood and a non soap washed dirty face. Heaven only knows what is in store for me.

I just wish for the other persons sake that noone smashes their car into mine today.

P.S - What the fuck is wrong with me????????


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