Friday -- 21 Safar 1426 -- 11 Caitra 1927 -- 01 April 2005

So, we arrive again at another Friday. The day is pregnant with possibilities. The possibilities that arise when working class humans are suddenly unleashed upon the face of this planet. When all the events of one week of pain have to be forgotten. When enough capacity of good clean fun things has to be built to last for another week.

Ahhhhhhh, Friday.

It is rather an unpleasant occurence when you suddely realize that you are tripping over something in full view of a boardroom full of people. I have had the misfortune of happening upon such an occurrence lately. It is worst when this occurence is coupled with you walking away and your shoes being very badly damaged.

The sole of my shoe nearly came off and for every step that I took it used to flap and then smash against the shoe rather loudly. So, I ended up sounding like a very very very badly played drum special.

Why do I do things that embarrass me? No, that was a rhetorical question. Noone answers it. Those who do will get kicked.


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