Sunday -- 19 Zilhaj 1425 -- 10 Magha 1926 -- 30 January 2005

I was out with friends all day long. I got eight calls from home asking me when I will be back. I am moving out in a month or so. I really can't take it any more.

There is one thing relating to human relations where I am very weak. It is relating to the concept of being friends with someone who does not like your company any more. I usually do not get the hints. I just keep thinking that the other person is in a bad mood or some other horrible concocted excuse. Yesterday, after repeated hints someone did indeed give me a good idea.

I am very happy to realize that for the first time in my life I got the hint. Maybe this means that I am growing up. Or maybe this means that my Disney / Fairtale version of friendship does not exist in the real world.


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