The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, economic change and military conflict from 1500 to 2000.

Paul Kennedy

A book on my favourite subject - History. Fortunately it is written in a new perspective and in a very interesting manner. It is a book of that shows that current affairs are only the continuation of history. That present is born from the past. That mankind has not created any structures in human systems that will change the way we have fought and competed with each other over a long period of time.

The book deals provides amazing detail on issues without going into too much detail and becoming boring and tedious for non research consumption. This very detail and tact make it is a beautiful read in both history and to come extent histriography. And this very level of detail has made the book thought provoking as it forces one to think and wonder about how man has not changed over time.

This is one of the most remarkable books I have ever read. I would suggest it as a must read to anyone interested in History, Histriography, Current Affairs or Strategic Studies.


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