05 Shaban 1425 -- 30 Bhadon 1925 -- 21 September 2004

There is good news and there is better news from my side.

About the whole fight thing yesterday, we talked and made up today. Then we all went for lunch as a "we are ok" gesture. Then we returned to work and kept thinking that we were right and the other guy was an idiot. Well, at least apparently we are behaving like humans.

The only thing that I feel bad about the whole issue is that we did not kiss and make up.

The better news is that I have completed one thing that I had always wanted to do. There is an Imambargah (Mosque) near our house that has excellent architecture. Since it was built in the early 50s it is old and they want to pull it down. I am against it, but noone listens to me. They want to build one of those structures with a lot of glass and steel and polished hospital looks. I hate those. I want a culturally touched place to look at. But I digress, I wanted to make a report on that, so I have completed a huge essay on that Imambargah along with a large collection of pictures.

Very very happy.


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