20 Zilhaj 1424

There is an interesting new (as in 2 years old) TV Channel "Geo" in Pakistan. It has some very good programs where people actually at times mumble out the truth. Hence it is the apple of the eyes of the Pakistani Bourgeoisie and other educated Pakistanis. There is a program on it called "Uljhan Suljhan" which is about people having problems and how to deal with them and they take actual cases at hand. I think they are about to air a program about homosexuals. This is a VERY VERY VERY (The no-all-caps rule does not apply here since only the all-caps can denote the emphasis I am trying to give here) big thing. For homosexuality to be talked about out in the open in Pakistan is completely unheard of.

The only other time that I ever saw about homosexuality was when "The Herald" magazine ran a section about 'The other side of Midnight' (Or somwhat of a similar name) about homosexuality. It was a very long time ago but I remember it because it was the only thing that came to my eyes about homosexuality. Of course except for the Chippendale centrefolds in Cosmo, for which I had to sneak the Cosmos into my room. Of course later on I learnt it is not about gay men at all. But whatever. At least I was happy back then.

On a different note. There are many common abbreviations used nowadays in online chatting and messaging services. I was quite sure I am used to most of them. But a few new ones do poke out from time to time. Imagine my consternation when I came face to eye with fbit. Upon enquiry I got the following answer to the query so interestedly put forth "frustrated bitch in town". I immediately fell in love with the person who coined it originally. And, if you are reading this, email me for you are meant to be mine.

Oh. Albeit unwittingly I just gave you all an example of a scenario where you can all call me fbit.

A regular reminder that my Urdu blog is here. Where I have started to try to teach Urdu as well.


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