18 Zilhaj

Oh how the mighty have fallen!

In case you are wondering, I am talking about myself.

In case you are wondering, I am eluding to today's pizza baking fiasco. Yes. I decided to make a Pizza today. And I worked slightly hard in trying to bake it. But when I took it out of the oven. It was horrible. It had a completely unacceptable smell. It had a completely unacceptable look. It had a completely unacceptable taste.

I have decided that untill I correct this problem I will not rest. No silly. I am not working on that Pizza. I will bake one Pizza a day till I get it right. And like every other thing I will be blabbering here about that. So I hope you will bear with me.

A regular reminder that my Urdu blog is here. Where I have started to try to teach Urdu as well.


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