16 Zilhaj 1424

I love having guests over. Last night was fun. I was sitting with people who are either too old or too young. Noone had anything to talk about. It was getting very very awkward. Since I am the perfect gentlemen and the apple of humanity's eye. And since I can not bear to be in awkward situations and have to defuse them no matter what. I kept introducing all these interesting topics. And all of whome were deliberated upon for a time period of 2-3 minutes and another silence began. It was very very exciting. And the shocker was that I ran out of topics. The topics left were 'dildos and gay sex' and 'eating rotten eggs'. I am sure both would not have been acceptable in Pakistani society. Hence I kept quiet.

Next time when I have to spend more than 2 hours with people more than 20 years my age or less 4 years my age. I will burn myself using the huge stove that we have in the kitchen. That way I will get to spend the time in bed and save myself the agony (Yes you heard it right, burning is a lesser evil in this case). What ? You don't know. You weren't there ok. If you were there you would also choose burning.

Oh, and the guy who was 5 years yonger than me. My gaydar says he is gay. And unfortunately it doesn't seem as if he has accepted this by now. Which is a pity. But I did get a vague idea that he was hitting on me. Now why the hell can't people I am interested in come onto me. Why do I have to bear this. And yes yes I know I know what you are going to say. I will stop before this turns into a full blown rant. That is to say. I will stop it now.

An interesting search today,
I want to send my pictures to take part in Pakistani channel PTV dramas ---> Now that is the correct usage of search engines.

A regular reminder that my Urdu blog is here. Where I have started to try to teach Urdu as well.


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