02 Ziqaad 1424

There comes a time in the life of every man when he realizes. Damn! I dont have anything to blog about. This in general is followed by a thought that ... Hey ... Lets try something new this time. But. I will not do that.

I will tell you that I chatted with someone who turned out to be too interesting. And shocking he had a blog. And then I realized from his blog that he was too good for me. And then I realized that I should NEVER tell anyone about my blog if I am going to mention them in it. Which I have done just now.

At times I feel that I can not control myself from deeds of infinite stupidity. Well all I can say for myself is ... damn it ... I cant even say it now.

Now that I have calmed down after some chocolates and a MUG of tea I will resume with the post.

So I had a long chat with two people actually. With one I was made suddenly aware of a SEVERE cultural difference between Pakistan and Britain. With the other I was suddenly made aware that I can find interesting people if only I try to look properly.

So with new hopes and new desires I shall finish this post. And wish you all a very good night.

Shab ba Khair.


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