well here i am back in my room. thinking and writing as i think. what is the purpose of a government. what is the reason for life to be this way. why did napolean fail from his objectives. what the hell is climbing up my back. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. yes it was a cockroach. and in trying to shake it off i shook it into my shirt. now i NEVER tuck my shirt into my pants. but today about after 4 months i had done that.

so think about the following in a picture.

a man starts screaming. within 5 seconds he is in the living room. running and screaming and trying to hit his back. he does this for 5 seconds. then he starts to frantically pull his shirt out of his pants. still screaming. and then everyone in the house makes a largish circle around him asking. "kya hua ? kya hua?" (translation "what happened" "what happened") and then he still screaming takes his shirt off. all in a hurry. and he sees a cockroach run off.

now most normal people would look around sheepishly and put on the shirt. BUT NO!!!!!!!!! jalal had to act like an idiot. so instead of acting like a modest human and wearing clothes he runs after the cockroach. as the tiny creature runs on the gleaming floor jalal jumps on it. he doesnt stamp it. he JUMPS on it.

if you are wondering. now come the WORST part !!! the cockroach died and in such a way. maybe i landed on him too hard. that he obviously burst open.

there was a large cluster of black blobs on an area equal to a large portion of wall in my house. the dead remains of an intruder into my private parts.

also if you are thinking of asking me out ever in the future. i do not do this to 'human' intruders into my private parts. actually they get treatment infinitely better. and now i think i should leave and resume cleaning the wall. YEUCKH ! and let the record show my mom made me do it. i did not want to do that.


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